FWF Season 2 PPV 5 (Death Grip vs Holiday Hell)

Greetings and Salutations! I hope everyone is enjoying this Holiday season, and whether you’re at home watching wrestling, hanging out with family, or something in between…I truly hope that it is a wonderful time! It seems like I’m making this apology a lot this season, but with my work schedule (Especially since the Holidays started)Continue reading “FWF Season 2 PPV 5 (Death Grip vs Holiday Hell)”

FWF Season 2 PPV 4 (Review and Analysis)

My thoughts prior to listening: This month might be the most exciting month yet in FWF. We come off of the October PPVs which (In my opinion) were the two best shows yet. Now, we’re taking that momentum and moving into the sequel to what many people voted as the PPV of Season 1, CollusionContinue reading “FWF Season 2 PPV 4 (Review and Analysis)”

FWF Season 2 PPV 3 (Review and Analysis)

First and Foremost, I’d like to apologize to anyone who was looking forward to these articles. I’m a bit late, and that’s due to mine “being out of town” as I was visiting with family. This combo’d with a new schedule at work ensured for a hectic time that did not allow me to haveContinue reading “FWF Season 2 PPV 3 (Review and Analysis)”

FWF Season 2 PPV 2 (Review & Analysis)

Ladies and Gentlemen, the waits seem long, but the payoff is ever so great as we embark on PPV 2 of the esteemed Season 2 of FWF. If you read the last review, then you know that the PPV 1 clash was more tightly contested than many might have anticipated. Mark’s Story-Telling ability offered aContinue reading “FWF Season 2 PPV 2 (Review & Analysis)”

FWF Season 2 :: PPV #1 (Review and Analysis)

“After months of waiting ladies and gentlemen, the Patreon Warfare is back on our screens and continues to reign supreme as we blast it through our Ear buds, Iphones and Computer Monitors. The excitement of Turmoil and Thrillzone is here once again and the question that is echoing through everyone’s minds is: “How will theContinue reading “FWF Season 2 :: PPV #1 (Review and Analysis)”

FWF Season 2: Draft (Initial Thoughts)

Ladies and Gentlemen. Can you hear it? Can you smell it? The Sound of Bone-crunching action. The smell of melting plastic from a madman lighting toys on fire for the entertainment of a podcasting community? That’s right! FWF IS BACK UPON US! For those who unsubscribed from the Major Pod Patreon, I can only imagineContinue reading “FWF Season 2: Draft (Initial Thoughts)”

Zan’s Review: “Free The Narrative”

Before you Read: This is a bit different of a review than I typically do. I usually take on the task of grading each separate segment on its own, but since this appears to be one cinematic event that builds on everything…I’m going to give it one big grade at the end. Now excuse meContinue reading “Zan’s Review: “Free The Narrative””

FWF Live (Review and Analysis)

In the midst of my move to the “Great North” known as Wisconsin (It’s the Great North to a Simple Missourian like me), we interrupt this brief hiatus of the FWF landscape to partake in something that can only be described as “Revolutionary”. Yes, we break the silence for a single night with the biggestContinue reading “FWF Live (Review and Analysis)”

FWF MajorFest Review!

Ladies and Gentlemen. You may be looking at these match descriptions and thinking: “Man, that’s a bit Much”. But I would love to counter point in your direction and say, NOTHING IS TOO BIG FOR MAJOR FEST! That’s right ladies and gentlemen. A night where everyone involved seemed to have an extra spring in theirContinue reading “FWF MajorFest Review!”

FWF Episode 26 (LIVE EDITION:: Review and Analysis)

Here on the Zanman FWF Reviews, We have reviewed a lot of shows. Thrillzone and Turmoil Episodes. Pay Per Views. But never have we had the privilege of reviewing a show that we were able to watch, Live!!! Today we pop that cherry, and boy… what a Show did the guys give for us! IContinue reading “FWF Episode 26 (LIVE EDITION:: Review and Analysis)”

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