FWF Episode 26 (LIVE EDITION:: Review and Analysis)

Here on the Zanman FWF Reviews, We have reviewed a lot of shows. Thrillzone and Turmoil Episodes. Pay Per Views. But never have we had the privilege of reviewing a show that we were able to watch, Live!!! Today we pop that cherry, and boy… what a Show did the guys give for us! I know I say this alot, and I think that speaks to the quality of the shows that these guys consistently put out for us, but with the extra element of seeing little gestures and facial expressions, it added the extra element that we had always been missing I feel. This is perhaps the hardest show to Judge so far.

The Funny thing is, as much as I’ve enjoyed the “Seg vs Seg” rating system. There have been a couple of instances where I feel the wrong show has won (Don’t worry, one was for Thrillzone and one was for Turmoil so it kinda equalled out). But as pointed out by a few Twitch and Twitter users, as well as President Matt Cardona of the Turmoil Brand, I should be able to just choose the winner based on who I feel had the better and more compelling show all the way around. So starting on this one, I will be giving my thoughts segment by segment (Much like my PPV reviews), and choosing the winner who is the undisputed better show of the week. But of course I choose to do this on arguably the Hardest choice and possibly best shows to date.

But regardless, No cop outs now….Let’s jump right into it.


Opening Thought:

Even before The Show officially begins its seg one, The Feels are in high motion as Brian announces “We say Goodbye to the Thrillzone”. I think the fact that we know Brian is leaving does kind of add to his show a little bit, and if this was in fact the last Thrillzone show…even if it was just for Brian…I do think that adds more eyes on the product and more emotion through the night. You’ll see me constantly bringing up the idea that “Brian feels like he has nothing to lose” but that’s completely right…because after this show, a Brian Myers led Thrillzone show will most likely never happen again. And that’s a huge viewing and talking point in itself. 

Segment 1

Thrillzone opens up with a shot of a luxurious car pulling up to the arena, and out steps the Rock…looking to resolve this business with the Macho Man once and for all! We shoot to the arena where Shawn Michaels asserts himself by immediately talking trash on all of his Major Fest competition. He is interrupted by Vampiro (in which due to their tag team history, have a slight beef with one another) in which Commissioner Piper doesn’t take long getting out to the ring to break things up. After announcing that he is tired of everything, and that he has hated his run as commissioner (Announcing it as the worst time of his life), he announces that Shawn Michaels will take on Vampiro tonight and that if Vampiro wins…he will take Shawn’s spot in the Triple Threat FWF Championship title at Major Fest. Not to be outdone by that announcement though, Piper delivers one last dime of news before leaving, HE QUITS. 

Rowdy" Roddy Piper Tribute (WWF:1984-1987) - YouTube

Thoughts: It’s hard to go wrong while opening with a teaser segment (The Rock) and kinda “Winking” towards the later events of the evening. The Shawn Michaels Promo felt like a bit more of an extreme version of last weeks promo, but I did enjoy the fact that Vampiro of all people came out, eluding to their slight rivalry back in their tag team days. The talk of this segment though is easily Roddy Piper as he quits being commissioner. It definitely makes sense as he jumps full throttle into a Wrestling Career as he looks to face Raven. The fact that this is the start of the show ensures a lawlessness and craziness moving forward in the night. 

Segment 2

In the second segment we have 2 absolute monster teams facing off in a “Trading Blows” fashion. Kronik and The Legion of Doom battle for supremacy in this first half of the match. 

WCW/nWo on Twitter: "Kronik Kronik Kronik (♪, ♩, ♪, ♩) #WCW #HalloweenHavoc  2000… "

Thoughts: In Brian fashion, We get a quick “Back and Forth Match” esq description. Although not always ideal for these reviews, it’s hard not to argue that Kronik vs LOD would simply speak for itself and so this is definitely acceptable and is the perfect Brawling segment to follow that opening Shocker. It’s not going to be a “result alterer” by any means, but I think it works. 

Segment 3

Kronik seems to be battling back in the match after being held at bay by The Legion of Doom, and they’re even going for their Heart Punch/Meltdown Combo, which has been dubbed under the name “The Zanman Driver”, when they are suddenly attacked by The Dudley Boyz!  The Dudley Boyz play no favorites as they are laying everyone out and even call for the good ole fashion Table Spot. But before they can finish it, The Boogie Knights come out for the save, once more insuring the craziness of This fatal four way tag match at Major Fest. Backstage, Chris Candido is giving a promo that seems optimistic about a Post-Triple Threat world. But much to his dismay he is attacked from behind by Shane Douglas, not too much later…Shane is in turn attacked by Bam Bam Bigelow, who assures Shane Douglas that he will see him later tonight. 

Disco Inferno vs. Alex Wright: WCW Television Championship Match - Monday  Nitro, September 22, 1997 | WWE

Thoughts: I don’t care what anyone says, even in a Fantasy Wrestling fed it is honestly an honor to have a move named after me. So now I have to be a Kronik Mark. Being as unbiased as possible though, It was a good segment all around. For the Tag Match, Everyone got their licks in, with Kronik and LOD looking strong in the midst of their match…Dudley Boyz looking like the extreme Heels…and Boogie Knights as the consistent Tag Champion Faces. It works, and with the build from Brian…It feels like any of these Tag Teams can win the match. The Live stream shows off a bit more personality from Brian, and I don’t know if this is usually the vibe he carries or if he had nothing to lose…but the energy he brought really translated well to his presentation and effected a lot of the segments. This was one of the ones that benefited heavily. Backstage, Candido looks like the underdog once more further making me feel like he is going to get the predictable nod at Major Fest, Still…It sets up Shane Douglas vs Bam Bam later tonight and That’s an exciting thing.

Segment 4

Justin Hawk Bradshaw makes his way down to the ring, and as always…he is looking for a fight. The man who will supply him with that fight is his opponent, New Jack. It’s a brawl, as we see an “Attitude Era Style” Hardcore match with both me pushing the pace and brawling around the building. They eventually brawl so hard, that they make their way to the back causing Camera men to scramble after them…forcing a commercial Break Cut. 

10 Backstage Stories About New Jack We Can't Believe

Thoughts: I think New Jack was the right opponent to receive the opportunity to brawl with Justin. It feels like he’s been kinda missing for the most part since his shot against Macho Man and so it’s nice to see him get an opportunity to hold his own against Bradshaw. A good old fashioned back and forth Brawl sometimes is just what the heart needs. 

Segment 5

After being unable to find where the action of Justin Hawk Bradshaw and New Jack has spilled off to…The Interstate Champion, Ahmed Johnson and Mike Awesome make their way down to the ring for a contract signing. At first they sit down like Gentlemen, with Brian delivering an Ahmed Johnson promo that suggested that he called Turmoil after being let go from Thrillzone initially, and Matt Cardona turned him down. So he turned that rage into a motivator, and look where he is now. Mike Awesome insinuates that Ahmed has never faced anyone like him, and as he signs the contract….Ahmed Johnson waits until he finishes signing and then smacks him in the gut with the table, allowing him to eventually put Mike Awesome through with a Pearl River Plunge. The closing shot before commercial break is Ahmed Johnson pointing to the Major Fest sign. 

STRENGTH FIGHTER™: Ahmed Johnson / Big T synthol arms

Thoughts: Brian’s Ahmed Johnson impression very well could be the most entertaining thing when he pulls it out. And this segment alone could live off of that. Especially with some context about what happened after he was released and building off of that, it made for a good segment. I’m surprised he didn’t jump on creating a narrative around Turmoil and Thrillzone with Ahmed Johnson sooner, but honestly…better late than never. In a match where build seems to be lacking, this was definitely much needed. 

Segment 6

Bam Bam makes good on his word as he takes on Shane Douglas in a singles match in the ring. A man possessed, Bam Bam is all over Shane Douglas…in which having felt his power earlier in the night…Shane wants nothing to do with him. Eventually though, Shane’s cowardly heel persona and running away tactics allow him to take full advantage as Bam Bam crashes and burns after Shane moves out of the way of a huge Diving Headbutt…causing the momentum to shift as we crash to commercial. 

WCFL Prometheus TV 2/2/99 - WrestlingClassics.com Message Board

Thoughts: It feels for the first time that Bam Bam Bigelow is the big man we always wanted him to be. Other than a few spots here and there throughout our 25 Previous episodes and various PPVs, for the most part he has felt like just another guy…when in reality he should be the heater of the group. So tonight, to see him built as the man that the rest of the Triple Threat actually fears was a breath of fresh air…and as a man who uses cheating tactics….we really haven’t had to see Shane Douglas act as a coward…so to see him have to do that against Bam Bam was definitely an increase in his…”street cred” if you will. 

Segment 7

Shane Douglas vs Bam Bam Bigelow is going on hot and heavy as both men battle for control. Suddenly the camera men backstage find out where New Jack and Justin Bradshaw have scurried off to as the image of them fighting in a Boiler Room pops up on the Titantron. Mankind who is already in there joins in on the fight. This course of events allows Bam Bam to hit a huge squisher on Shane Douglas followed up by a Moonsault for the win, as Bam Bam has all the momentum heading into Major Fest.

Mick Foley's Redemption | RazorwireReviews

Thoughts: I think this works out very well. Especially if Brian’s plan is to have Candido be the big underdog story. Every turn he takes, he gets beat down. Meanwhile, Bam Bam has pinned both of them gaining tons of momentum so he “looks like the favorite” going in…and then of Course Shane Douglas has arguably been one of the top guys on Thrillzone, so his merits kinda speak for themselves. That would make a Candido win, the biggest upset (even if it’s predictable). I’m glad Brian used the Backstage brawl as a distraction, I was legit frustrated when he initially said that the Camera men had lost Bradshaw and New Jack. I was like “HOW!?” but had to retract my statement as he used it in an intriguing way for sure. 

Segment 8

Dennis Rodman drives down to the ring on an NICE LOOKING HOG!!? Shades of Gimmick Infringement, Rodman starts off his promo with “NOBODY HAS MORE RINGS THAN ME DUDE!” in a Faction Leader on a different show type fashion, And after bashing Goldust and Luna Vachon…he says “Nobody has a bigger Hog than me” and “Nobody rides a Hog, quite like your Ex Wife Goldust”. To which Goldust and Luna have heard enough and talk about how this has gone too far…and he doesn’t want to do this anymore. In fact, he wants to do it right now. Goldust and Luna appear behind Dennis and Terry and beat them down, causing them to Powder out and run with their tails between their legs….no Hog included. 

10 things you may not know about Dennis Rodman | HoopsHype

Thoughts: Some people look at this as Gimmick infringement. I look at it as “Show Slander Instance #2” in my own book. And the fact that Brian hasn’t really insulted the other brand too much (little pushes here and there) and in this show does it multiple times, just goes to show that My theory of “Brian has nothing to lose”. I think this was awesome to see, It was Kinda mind blowing to see and a highly entertaining spectacle to watch, but he also used the Hog for an Insult that we Haven’t quite seen yet, one that left the crowd going “OH DANG”. And So for a late show Promo segment, this could very well be one of the best ones we’ve seen yet!

Segment 9

Shawn Michaels takes on Vampiro in hopes of defending his spot in the FWF Championship match. A high Paced match that shows both Shawn and Vampiro trying to go for their finishers, but the technicality of both superstars allows them to reverse out. They both go for a clothesline at the same time, thus sending both men to the ground. Who will win? That’s the question on everyone’s mind as we cut to commercial break. 

WWE Shawn Michaels - Page 4

Thoughts: Another segment that lets the match speak for itself for the most part. I can definitely picture Vampiro and Shawn Michaels having a barn burner in my head. I think he highlighted the part that he needed to, and even though I really appreciate the Detail that Broski puts into his matches, I enjoy the vibe of Thrillzone as well that at times allows you to paint your own picture. In terms of the show we’ve seen so far, I think it was okay for being what it needed to be. 

Segment 10 

The match continues to go back and forth, and it appears like Shawn Michaels is pulling ahead after completing his signature comeback, complete with a Kip-up. When suddenly, The Giant and Owen Hart appear on the Titantron in true classic villain fashion. They’re beating down Scott Hall on the video by the Loading Dock. They’re threatening to continue beating him down, but Shawn Michaels reveals he doesn’t care as “This is Show Business, Not Show Friends”. As he turns to get back into the match, Vampiro hits the Nail in the Coffin. Before he can go for the pin though, The Lights go out. When they come back on, Kane is there to distract Vampiro in his own right, as he shoots off the flames. He disappears and Shawn Michaels is able to secure his spot in the FWF Championship match, but at the cost of losing a friend. Bret Hart, in Anger, Pushes his way through officials down to the ring…leading to a Shawn vs Bret Brawl. 

Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels - The Armpit

Thoughts: This makes total sense. Some of the twitch chat seemed confused at this decision, but with Scott Hall becoming the #1 Contender via a “Call your Shot Gauntlet Ladder Match”…..this could lead to him being inserted to the match, or possibly ruining Shawn’s Wrestlemania Moment. Owen and The Giant going from the “We don’t care who we have to face” to “We have to attack this dude’s friend so he loses the match” is kinda weird, but the “after thought is what I’m focused on”. This has me looking forward more towards Vampiro vs Kane a bit more too. Overall this was an “All over the place segment” that has me questioning things for the better and just a few for the worse. 

Segment 11

The much anticipated Faceoff between Macho Man and The Rock begins…Now. As the Rock makes his way down to the ring (Even if Mark stepped on his pop a little bit) to talk about what it means to have a legacy in this business. Beating people at their best! To which, Macho Man disrespected that with his attack last week. It comes to light that Macho Man did what he did because his best is “Doing everything he can to win” and so The Rock should expect nothing less. With a mutual understanding, they both point to the Major Fest sign…and then begin to trade blows…closing out the show with a high intensity Brawl. 

10 Biggest Wrestling Matches That Never Happened – Page 9

Thoughts: Macho Man’s promo was kinda weird, As I did my best to try and justify why Macho Man handcuffed Rock last week. But we really didn’t get an answer even though they were kinda promised at the top of the show. I do want to see this match, but Idk…I feel like it could have happened earlier in the night and the closing moments could have been Shawn staring at the Titantron with a Beaten Down Scott Hall or something (Unless of Course Macho Man vs The Rock is Thrillzone’s Major fest main event) either way, This segment was kinda weird for me and as cool as it would have been…It kinda ends one of Brian’s best shows on a weird note.

Last Thoughts For Show:

We definitely saw Brian Step out of his normality at times. Or perhaps that was the normal this entire time, and we just didn’t see it due to the limits of an Audio Based Podcast. Still, It seemed like Brian was having fun and we were having fun with him. The Hog Segment, The Ahmed Johnson Impression, Renaming Moves after Pretty Cool Dudes….It was just a Fun Show from Start To Finish. Even if it was a bit Janky and kinda felt rushed and out of Place (Probably due to the extra week of Booking) It was one of Brian’s better shows 100%. We saw a new energy to him, and it felt like he wasn’t doing this just for the fans….he was doing this show because he intended on having fun with it. The moments like “Heres your props broski” right before flipping him off were enjoyable. If he had this same energy, or perhaps if every show was live…we’d have a different score right now but I was absolutely impressed and had all of my expectations blown away with his performance.


Segment 1

Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page start off the night by coming out in typical NWO fashion. They point to the entrance, which of course….signals Hogan to come out on his Hog. But if that’s not enough, “Nobody has a bigger hog than me” condoms start falling from the ceiling insuring that many male people in attendance will be leaving happy. He promos about Major Fest and How NWO is going to run wild by destroying The WolfPac and Stone Cold. The Wolfpac take offense to these words as they come out and Kevin Nash reminds Hogan how if he hadn’t alligned himself with them, he wouldn’t even be FWF Champion. It is decided that Wolfpac and NWO will compete tonight to see who takes the name. That’s not the last war of words though as Kevin Nash takes a shot at Hogan’s Male Pattern Baldness as well!

NwO Hulk Hogan Harley | Wwe hulk hogan, Professional wrestling, Hulk hogan

Thoughts: Broski is literally pulling out all stops in this opening as Condoms are legitimately falling from the sky. Proving exactly why the Fans voted Hogan as superstar of the year, Every promo seems to be a spectacle and this is non different. Paired with the interesting angle of “Winner secures the NWO name”…It is insured to be a fun-filled and action oriented night. Both the Kevin Nash and Hogan Impressions were on point, and it was just a great time all around.

Segment 2

DDP and Goldberg Take on Kevin Nash and X-Pac (The Wolfpack) for that NWO name. It’s a nice back and forth match up complete with a Spear into the Steps, Interference from Hogan, Brawling outside the ring, and even some events of people getting tossed from ringside. Ultimately though, It is that last one that acts as a distraction long enough for DDP to hit a Low Blow, followed by a Diamond Cutter on Kevin Nash to secure a victory, and the NWO name. The NWO members signify their win even more by spraying the NWO logo onto the backs of the Wolfpack members. Backstage we get a little run in between D-Lo and Mark Henry (Tag Team of the Year) and Booker T as they tell him that his brother is the weak link since he was the only one who didn’t make it to the Major Bowl. This leads to conflict amongst them ahead of their 8 man tag match tonight.

Throwback Thursday: WCW Monday NITRO #173 (Jan. 4, 1999), As Seen on WWE  Network | Wrestling DVD Network

Thoughts: To me, this was the first showcase of how Amazing Broski is at calling matches. He almost gets into a zone and just fires spot after spot off and I think that more than the match is what impressed people, even as interesting as the concept was. Complete with all of the spots listed above and more, he just fired them off over and over like it was nothing. As for the actual match, It was okay…It was what it needed to be. Even with the collusion though, I’ll always be an advocate for “There doesn’t need to be definitive wins handed out right before a PPV unless it actively plays into the story” which in a way, I guess this kinda does. Still, much like Brian’s quirks and small comments…Broski’s ability to call a match this well added value to the segment. Not to mention how in the backstage segment, Broski draws attention to the fan voted awards, as D-Lo and Mark Henry were the tag team of the year.

Segment 3

The 8 Man Tag match that was just mentioned in the Backstage segment is upon us as Tag Champions D-Lo and Mark Henry team with The Harlem Heat to take on Edge and Christian and Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman. This of course is ahead of their Fatal Four Way TLC Match. A back and forth match that breaks down and you have high flying spots everywhere Complete with a Billy Kidman shooting star press onto a pile of mixed superstars (If you wanna know the spots, go watch or listen ;). It eventually breaks down though, as Edge and Christian seem to have the advantage for their team on D-Lo…but thanks to a Slapjack from Stevie Ray, the man they called the weak link, Harlem Heat and D-Lo and Mark are able to pick up a huge momentum boost ahead of their Fatal Four Way TLC match. But as the 4 men are discussing things and celebrating, they are hit with a Bloodbath from The Brood! Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio don’t give any of them much room to think though, as they hit a double crossbody off of the 24 foot ladder.

Monday Night Raw Warm Up for March 11th, 2013 | MyLatestDistraction

Thoughts: There was a lot packed in here, once again the impressive calling of Broski was pretty amazing and even though it felt like a bit much at times…I think it painted the picture quite well of the hectic-ness we can expect from the TLC Match. That just when you think someone has the momentum…it can be pulled out from under you.

Segment 4

Rob Van Dam comes down to the ring and declares that Shane McMahon needs to stop screwing him out of opportunities. To which Shane McMahon says even though he doesn’t like him, he can have a Title shot at any belt he wants if he’s able to beat a mystery opponent in a Hardcore Match. The opponent is revealed to be STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN.

Jim Johnston Talks About Creating Stone Cold Steve Austin's Theme Song

Thoughts: I’m not gonna lie, as much as it has been built. RVD vs Shane McMahon is just not a segment I’m normally on the edge of my seat for. It’s in the mid-card tier right where it belongs. I will say However, That the reveal of Stone Cold as his opponent was pretty gnarly and I’m actually pretty stoked about it. Just goes to show what a little creative control can do!

Segment 5

Stone Cold vs RVD rages on as it appears that anything RVD tries to dish out of his arsenal…Stone Cold has an answer for. This comes to form as when RVD throws a Chair at Stone Cold, he catches it and throws it back. After another smack with the Chair, this sets up RVD Perfectly for a Stunner and a Definitive win for The Texas Rattlesnake. Shane McMahon gets in the ring and he shares a Beer with Austin…but as DTA suggests…he can’t trust “Nobody” as Stone Cold hits him with a Stunner as well.

PsBattle: Shane McMahon taking a stunner from Stone Cold Steve Austin :  photoshopbattles

Thoughts: For the Match, I’m picturing a spectacle…Kinda like how Randy Orton took on David Otunga once in a Miracle on 34th Street Fight Match. it was like 9 minutes of Orton just beating down Otunga for the enjoyment of the fans. That was one of my most memorable holiday oriented matches because of it. That’s kinda what I’m picturing when I hear this RVD vs Stone Cold match and I absolutely love it. It’s not a compelling match, but it’s just pure entertainment from a Fan Favorite. The Shane McMahon beer stunner was just icing on the cake. I love it.

Segment 6

A Tag Team match between Jeff Jarrett and Ken Shamrock vs Taz and Scott Steiner takes place. In what is described as a “Work Rate Match” the match proceeds in a back and forth manner. Steiner threatens a submission on Ken Shamrock as he locks in the Steiner Recliner, but seeing this as an opportunity to inflict some damage before their match at Major Fest…Jeff Jarret thwacks him over the back with a guitar. Coming to his rescue, Taz locks in his Taz-Mission and it seems like the “good guys” have it back under control. Thanks to a Chair shot from Shamrock from behind, the heels are able to take back over. Shamrock Smashes Taz’s ankle in the chair, putting their match at Major Fest in pretty big jeopardy. For extra insult, Jarrett hits Steiner with a Trash can and then dumps the contents on top of him ahead of their dumpster match. The heels stand tall going into the Grandaddy of them all.

Ken Shamrock vs. Jeff Jarrett: Raw, Feb. 23, 1998 | WWE

Thoughts: I liked the idea that no one got a Pinfall here, and obviously with the ankle lock manuever as Shamrock’s bread and butter, it makes sense why he would crush Taz’s ankle in that extreme manner (also cause he’s the hardcore champ). The Trash symbolism was also cool here. In a night of cool things happening, it’s a shame that a Scott Steiner segment will kinda get lost in the clatter…but even if it’s not the most memorable moment from tonight, and to me really doesn’t stand out…I can’t deny that it was some smart booking.

Segment 7

A Grudge Match, is here to hopefully settle a few things as Triple H takes on Billy Gunn Falls Count Anywhere. It’s a back and forth match that eventually see’s Billy Gunn taking advantage. He draws closer to Triple H who (in Ric Flair Fashion) low blows Billy Gunn resulting in a Pedigree right there on the Concrete. Road Dogg Breaks up the Pin though! And throws him into a Payphone Booth! Chyna looks to get involved, but seeing Billy Gunn once more stirs feelings up inside of her. This distraction allows Triple H to take full advantage as he pedigrees Billy on the hood of the Car. Triple H carries in massive momentum ahead of Major Fest.

Triple H. Vs Billy Gunn (WWE Smackdown) 6/20/2002 - YouTube

Thoughts: This is exactly what you wanted to see out of a Live FWF event. Props (The Phone Booth), Matts Face when he said “Oh Billy”, and The tenacity as he screams the spots to the audience. I loved it and it would have been a different version of that spectacle match that I mentioned earlier that only adds to the credibility of what has already been an entertaining night.

Segment 8

The Sultan is completely surrounded by his Posse as he makes his way down to the Ring to finally settle a score with The Undertaker. The Two have exchanged spots over the weeks with Sultan often getting over on top. In spite of being surrounded by enemies, Undertaker is delivering a fairly back and forth match and ahead of commercial break…he even throws Sultan onto his BSK buddies and does his signature dive onto the pile ushering us in.

50 Superstars you forgot about: photos | WWE

Thoughts: As someone who completely forgot about The Sultan before Matt Brought him back in FWF, I think he’s doing a great job of building this new star…to the point where he is believable to be able to go toe to to with the Deadman himself! That being said, after the live event…in the midst of a night where Stone Cold stunners Shane McMahon and Beats down RVD, Condoms fall from the Sky and Triple H pedigrees Billy Gunn on a car…this particular segment kinda got forgotten by me after the livestream. As entertaining as I’m sure this match is, It just doesn’t hold up in the midst of everything else going on. Still, it’s matches like these that do make me believe that we are just scratching the surface for this upcoming star.

Segment 9

With the momentum rolling in his favor before and during commercial break, Undertaker is on top now. But it doesn’t last long as the BSK members make their presence know…forcing Undertaker to have to draw his attention and energy on them. This allows Sultan to take full advantage, even allowing him to set up a Tombstone Piledriver. But at the last second, Undertaker reverses and delivers a Tombstone of his own..securing victory and momentum ahead of his bout with Sting. That being said. Sting appears in the ring and orders the BSK to attack the dead man. They beat him down and eventually tie him up in the ropes. This allows Sting to grab a mic and speak his peace. He speaks on this dream match, as he reveals the reason he’s targeting the Undertaker is he realizes…that Undertaker is the true Evil of FWF. He reveals that Undertaker has let multiple people in his life be burned alive…and tonight, for the sacrifice of the greater good..there will be one more. The BSK attacks Paul Bearer and they promptly set him on Fire (With Broski legitimately using a make shift flamethrower with a spray and lighter to make Paul Bearer light up).

The Undertaker vs. The Sultan: Shotgun Saturday Night, Dec. 13, 1997 -  YouTube

Thoughts: Now I’m realizing that the reason The Sultan vs Undertaker match didn’t stand out is because it was completely overshadowed by Broski lighting his Paul Bearer figure on fire with a customized blowtorch. hahaha, Absolute YouTube gold and Idk. As much as people hate on him for the over the topness…there’s a reason why he is the one supplying the Youtube channel with all of the FWF Clips. Turmoil is pure entertainment for that reason, and this is one of the many examples why they are currently in the lead in my reviews.

Segment 10

We finally get our Main Event as the winner of the Major Bowl, Ric Flair makes his way down to the ring to get his chance at Hogan’s FWF Championship. Hogan drives down to the ring, Fans still with their condoms in hand waving them around (LOL!) as he makes his way down for this dream title match. The entrances is all we need here.

Mic Battle: Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair - The Overtimer

Thoughts: As much as I hate entrance based segments, this is no longer Seg vs Seg. It’s a nice build, it allows for anticipation. And just the description of Fans waving around Hulk Hogan condoms made me LOL. So even if it was an Entrance seg, Broski definitely made the most of it.

Segment 11

A legendary back and forth match between two legends of the business, its a technical battle as these two behemoths of the sport look to get the edge over one another. Reversals of Finishers, Interferences from NWO and Degenerate Horsemen members, this match had a little bit of everything. One of the climax points of the match was when Triple H and Charles Robinson worked with Ric Flair to attempt a “Montreal Screwjob-like Maneuver” but thanks to Road Dogg, it was prevented. A scuffle between the Degenrate Horsemen and New Age Outlaws allows Hulk Hogan to hit a huge shot (busting him open of course) on Ric Flair, which The Nature Boy Manages to kick out. But after 3 big leg drops ….Hogan is able to retain his title going into Major Fest. He doesn’t have long to celebrate though, as Shane McMahon comes out and declares that at Major Fest, Hulk Hogan vs Stone Cold will be No Count Outs, No DQs and that there must be a winner. As he is finishing his thoughts, the NWO Members attack him from behind. After Nailing him with the title, they attempt to spray paint NWO on his back. Coming down for the Save, Stomp in Paradise Stone Cold comes down to the ring on a tank, running over the Hog!

Final Thoughts on Turmoil:

Broski definitely brought it, also posting a “has nothing to lose” feel to his show. Although The card wasn’t the most evenly built ever, it definitely had some of the top moments going into Major Fest, and has hyped up a bunch of the matches in a major way.

Final Thoughts And Results

This is easily the hardest decision I have had to make so far. Not only are these two of the best shows for season 1 of the FWF (I think the live vibes had something to do with it and getting to see a bit more detail from the guys), but I no longer have the Segment by Segment system to essentially hide behind. I would be fine with either show winning, but honestly…I’m determined to pick the right choice.

The breakdown is this. With Burning Paul Bearer and Stone Cold Driving in on a Tank, Broski easily had the two biggest moments this week. But I would also argue that he had a couple of segments that I would call “Dead” in regards to memorability and overall interest surrounding them. Whereas Brian had a few great moments too, and a better overall structured card (minus the flop ending in my opinion). So the question for myself to answer is “Are those Broski moments big enough to thwart the (In my opinion) better structured and more memorable overall card of Brian?” Because even though I do say Broski had a couple of forgettable moments, he had a very memorable card for the most part in his own right. Condoms falling from the sky, Triple H pedigreeing Billy Gunn on a car after being thrown through a phone booth, A Near Montreal Screwjob encounter. Very entertaining stuff. I also don’t want to fully promote any sort of collusion by awarding Brian this week just because he named a move after me. But he put together some great matches, Vampiro vs Shawn….Had the Dennis Rodman segment which was his best of the week, Supplied us with funny little comments and a higher energy than usual, Had an Ahmed Johnson impression that is absolutely wonderful, and Had commissioner Roddy Piper shock the world by quitting his leadership role.

I also kinda give the edge to thrill-zone a little bit in the back of my mind due to the fact that there is extra emotion hanging on every match due to the fact that this is in fact “The last Thrillzone show with Brian Myers as the EVP” and I do think that means something when rating these two cards because DANG, what a last show it was.

Taking all of that into consideration, If it was moment of the week….I’d give it to broski hands down. But In terms of overall better show, My gut is pulling me towards The Thrillzone. My reasoning why is that it had more memorable matches and an overall “loose cannon” type feel to it where it had plenty of humor and awesome matches. I remember being legitimately impressed by Brian’s live performance and the energy behind it…Not to say I wasn’t with Broski, but Brian’s was noticeably different. We got to enjoy his show in a way in which we haven’t already! And so that’s who this weeks winner, and the first Live Streamed Show goes to.

Turmoil Leads the Season heading into Major Fest though with the weekly total being as followed:

Turmoil: 18 to Thrillzone: 13

Published by The Zanman

Owner of "The Zanman Podcast". It is a podcast you can find on any Major Platform; Including the likes of Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and pretty much any app or service that you find yourself listening to podcasts on (Though, no patreon yet) This Blog is pretty much here to document my nerdism and help promote my Podcast or express things that can't properly be expressed in audio format. Another way to interract with the community I desire to create.

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