FWF MajorFest Review!

Ladies and Gentlemen. You may be looking at these match descriptions and thinking: “Man, that’s a bit Much”. But I would love to counter point in your direction and say, NOTHING IS TOO BIG FOR MAJOR FEST! That’s right ladies and gentlemen. A night where everyone involved seemed to have an extra spring in their step. A night where stars collides, season long storylines end and alter, and a new Chapter is born into FWF History. Ladies and gentlemen, Season 1 may be ending, but we aren’t here to mourn. We are here to celebrate a wonderful thing that has been created and brought this community together in a brand new way. A new event. A New Tradition. This. Is. Major Fest. 


The Triple Threat, Triple Threat. Chris Candido vs Shane Douglas vs Bam Bam Bigelow

This grudge match is there to decide who the top man in The Triple Threat is once and for all. Douglas has the merits. Bigelow has the momentum. Chris Candido has nothing. But in this match, all of those things are tossed aside and we view these men as equals. Especially after late in the match, Chris Candido somehow manages to kick out of a Belly to Belly Suplex that launched him off the top of the turnbuckle. It’s moments like these that show that sometimes, titles aren’t needed in order to desire the win. But with Bam Bam trapped in a Tree of Woe after a battle on the top rope (Same situation) and Candido reversing a Pittsburgh Plunge from Douglas into a rollup. Candido secures a quick 3 count to upset his two former teammates and pick up his first official win under the Thrillzone Banner. 

Chris Candido Death - Wrestler Deaths

Thoughts: As predictable as the result was, As I always say “Predictable isn’t bad when executed well!”. And for an opening match of the night I think the Positioning was perfect. A nice little match, a nice little moment, and Brian got to push his favorite. Will it go down as one of the top 5 moments of the night? Probably not, but it was fine. Definitely the appetizer you need for the eventual main courses.

Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match: Legion of Doom vs Kronik vs The Boogie Knights vs The Dudley Boyz!

With four amazingly credible tag teams battling for the strap, you just know that fire is going to be flying in this heated affair. In the build up, Kronik consistently seemed to snag all of the momentum leading up to the event. They demonstrated this by seeming to take out everyone. Legion of Doom, Cyrus the Virus, and even down the Dudleys. But when they try to hit “The Zanman Driver” on Flash Funk, he proves to be too quick as a reversal leads to a chain of moves being hit that ends with the 450 splash, and a Pinfall victory for the Boogie Knights as they retain their tag team titles. “Not a single butt is in their seat right now”. 

Disco Inferno | WWE

Thoughts: It was definitely the Right Call having the Boogie Knights win, and in the midst of these 4 Great Tag teams (I really do feel Brian Did a Great Job of Making each team feel credible going into this particular match) it would surely have been a spectacle to see in the midst of a stacked Thrillzone Card. Plus, I have the added flattery of “The Zanman Driver” to which I promise won’t give any extra points. Though it is pretty cool and I thank Brian for the Shout out!

Former Commissioner Roddy Piper vs Raven (Backstage Brawl)

A personal Rivalry that stemmed from a Worker/Boss relationship. From the moment he came to Thrillzone, Raven had done nothing but make Roddy Piper’s job as the commissioner a living hell. So much so, that it very well could have been one of the main reason’s towards Piper’s resignation. Every bit of that anger and animosity was shown as these two men turned each other into meatloaf as they beat each other up and down the parking lot area. Using whatever they could get their hands on, each man’s mission was simple…to end the other man for good. So much so that Raven hits a DDT on straight concrete…and Roddy Piper hits a Pile Driver on Raven through a wooden pallet. Neither Maneuver proves to be the final nail though as both men manage to kick out. It isn’t until Raven uses Piper’s (Stone Cold Steve Austin style) knee brace against him that the end draws near as Raven Cracks him over the head with this metal death. With Piper knocked out, he is unable to kick out…allowing the Chaos to run wild as Raven continues to fly. 

Raven - Wrestling Forum - Neoseeker Forums

Thoughts: I legitimately thought Piper was going to win this. It seemed like the perfect story to go by, but in Typical Raven fashion, he puts a damper on the good spirits of Others. This segment legitimately made me go “Oh Dang” out loud at work with its result. I would call it a mid-tier match, but with that extra swerve at the end, it definitely appears as a slight stand out on this card. Altogether I would call the segment fine, but it was never a vibe that ever really felt like a “Major Fest” Match if I’m being Honest.

Dennis Rodman and Marlena vs Goldust and Luna Vachon

Not long after Raven’s match ended, did Dennis Rodman drive by on his Hog in light of his upcoming match. A personal rivalry that showed Betrayal, a Failing Marriage, and Weird yet Entertaining Animosity in a way we haven’t seen before…these two feuding couples will settle it on the Grandaddy of them all. Lucky for us, this is a traditional mixed tag…so no domestic violence shall insue today. Still, on both sides of the gender spectrum…it manages to heat up as both Luna/Marlena and Goldust/Rodman let every bit of their frustration with each other seen as this is an absolute Jerry Springer of a fight. Both sides are desperate for a win, so much so that Marlena tries to distract Goldust with a Kiss…only to get thrown over his knee and spanked for her troubles. Thanks to this distraction, it seems like Dennis is going to win…but the Traditional portion of the match is broken for a second as Lunas slaps dennis…leading to a CAT FIGHT…..CAT FIGHT!? CAT FIGHT…Between Luna and Marlena. To Conclude the match once and for all though, Goldust hits a curtain call for the 3 count. He isn’t done though as he pours Gold Paint all over Dennis’s Hog. 

Top 20 Most Bizarre Relationships In WWE History

Thoughts: This was one of two standout matches for Thrillzone’s Major Fest Card. It had the payoff for one of Brian’s more emotionally built storylines, Had a little bit of the fun involved where he arguably uses Gimmick infringement to take shots at the other show, but really highlights one of Thrillzone’s most enjoyable Characters….Goldust. I think there were a lot of missed opportunities with the Bizarre one, but at the same time I’m glad we missed a few of them to get the amazing payoff of these last couple of shows.

Justin Hawk Bradshaw’s Hardcore Title Invitational 

The competitors in this match start off with it being just Bradshaw and New Jack. But obviously, the Invitational part suggests that the list of names only continues to grow. Through all of the weapons and mayhem, we see Tommy Dreamer (The Young Upstart with a Full head of hair) get his chance to make an impact. He’s followed by the always interesting Brian Pillman who fought twice in the same night the last time a Hardcore Invitiational was in the works on the very first episode of Thrillzone. The Weird entrant in this match is Lance Storm who gives a typical Lance Storm Promo, about how he’s not booked and even though he’s against this kind of violence, this is the only match he’s contractually obligated to partake in…and yadda yadda yadda (Honestly I loved that though) when he is attacked from behind by Mankind who introduces him into the hardcore world. Mankind is thrown off the stage in a shopping cart by New Jack, and just when you think the match can’t get any crazier…SANDMAN debuts!!! He makes his way to the ring and starts caning everyone! The crazy action continues, as even Mankind comes back…not as himself, but in the form of Dude Dudley this time. But it is ultimately an unforeseen unprotected chair shot to Bradshaw out of nowhere causes him to be pinned by….HARDCORE HOLLY? Newly acquired superstar via that forced trade, Holly mkaes a Thrillzone Impact in his very first match with the brand. He ends the segment by asking if people know what he thinks about FWF…and lets it fire “I THINK THE WHOLE THING SUCKED!”

6 Totally Accidental Wrestling Title Changes – Page 5

Thoughts: Hardcore Holly’s and Sandman’s Debut alone added so much to this match. But with constant Start Value, and Swerves…..with Mankind Coming back out as Dude Dudley…It felt like one of the few matches tonight where Brian felt personally involved in it a little bit. This showed when he almost spoke through Hardcore Holly when he said the Whole FWF Sucked! And as sad as that may be, it was funny. It was enjoyable and from Start to Finish, I was entertained. After hearing two homeruns back to back, this is definitely the strong tier portion of the Card.

Ahmed Johnson vs Mike Awesome for the Interstate Championship 

These two Behemoths seem to have had their paths flying towards one another like a couple of runaway trains, ever since Ahmed Johnson decided he wanted to come back and dominate the Thrillzone. It truly is a spectacle, much like Godzilla vs King Kong, both of these men are dealing devastating damage only to hit a brick wall as the other man manages to battle back each time. This is demonstrated as Awesome hits 3 powerbombs, a maneuver that managed to put away many other superstars including The Rock…But Ahmed kicks out. Ahmed would then find a way to hit his Pearl River Plunge, in which Mike Awesome kicks back. This is a battle. I imagine both men being drenched in sweat and being barely able to stand by the end of it. That’s why it’s so shocking as even further in the match, Johnson kicks out of a huge splash courtesy of Awesome. It isn’t until Awesome summons every bit of his strength to throw Ahmed Johnson over the top rope (Powerbomb style) through a table that was set up early on. After a lifeless Ahmed is rolled back in, he is pinned for the 1…2..3.. And we have a new Champion. 

When Worlds Collide: The Night WCW, WWE and ECW Worked Together | Ring the  Damn Bell
This Picture Makes my Heart Happy. What a Smile. R.I.P Brotha.

Thoughts: Between both shows, To me, this match was easily Match of the night. Just the Spectacle of two behemoths putting on a Show in…Dare I say it….A WORK RATE MATCH? But in all honesty, this kind of spectacle is what Major Fest should be all about. The constantly kicking out of each other’s most powerful moves, it really did feel like a classic Monster vs Monster Movie. And to me, Anytime I hear Major Fest, this is the main match that comes to mind. Plus that finish? Pfft (Chefs Kiss)

Vampiro vs Kane in a Casket Match

In a Rivalry that was bathed in one man turning his back on his partner..This feud has been brewing ever since Kane was left in the dust after his injury. Vampiro has adopted new gimmicks and attempted to bury his past with Kane in hopes of “bigger and better things”. But sometimes, we understand the past can’t stay buried…but perhaps a coffin will help with that. Kane vs Vampiro in an attempt to bury the past…once and for all. In this hard hitting affair, Vampiro is literally brought down in the casket that he hopes to bury Kane in. Perhaps teaming with Kane has given Vampiro a taste for the dark arts as this new persona we have seen for him could very well be the down fall of Kane, as Vampiro turns to the urn to help him overcome the juggernaut like strength of Kane, and Ultimately leads Vampiro to shutting Kane in the Casket. 

wwe vampiro - Google Search | Wrestling, Wwe, Debut

Thoughts: Being straight up Blunt, this match was kind of meh. So it’s not going to add towards the Possibility of Thrillzone winning this thing. But I will say that the Build has been arguably the biggest turnaround towards my view of a Certain Superstar. From the beginning, even when he was apart of the Deadpool…I didn’t really care about Vampiro…It was all about Kane. But as much as I was against his “Deadman Persona” at first. Between the new Craze about him, The extra dose of spook we get from him, or that Maniacle Laugh….Vampiro has slowly become one of my favorites on the Blue and Orange Brand.

Macho Man Randy Savage vs The Rock (A Dream Match)

Sometimes when it comes to matches, Build ups aren’t really needed. And although Randy Savage may have tried to go into his bag of tricks, handcuffing The Rock and leaving him to the wolves…both men will go into this match with everything they have. A legendary match on paper, both of these charismatic men need no introduction as they look to mark their names down in the history books in a big way. A match where the first few moments are the two superstars just soaking in the roar of the crowd. It’s experience vs Raw Emotion and Natural Skill as these two Collide. The Match shows its sense of grit though as Macho Man somehow kicks out of the People’s Elbow in a crucial situation. Macho Man hits a Rock Bottom on The Rock, then a Flying Elbow on The Rock…Only for him to kick out and Get a Rock Bottom of his own on Randy, which as you may have guessed…also results in a Kick out. Both men are earning their legendary status, but the last leg for Macho Man seems to have fallen out. He can’t battle back anymore, and he tells the Rock to finish him. In Mercy Kill Fashion, The Rock Obliges with some signature moves capped off with a People’s Elbow to finish this Battle of the Legends. A Star Studded Hand Shake between the two men ends this match on a high note. 

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Shares Insane Throwback Pic as Teenager

Thoughts: I honestly thought I was going to like this more. The way it was described, was described as a good match and I mean….It’s Macho Man Randy Savage vs The Rock. But whether it be the lack of build, or lackluster ending to the match. I just didn’t find myself feeling this for whatever reason. It didn’t have that “Dream Match Vibe” that I’d want.

Owen Hart vs Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels for the FWF Championship

Bret and Shawn is a classic feud in itself, but with extra animosity added not only from the frustrations of Owen Hart, this feels like a Rivalry with the Champ as the odd man looking in which very well could lead in his favor. Not that he needed it with a Giant Sized Heater accompanying him to the ring. He is making his presence known heavily in the match, so much so…that a distraction leads to Shawn Michaels getting hit to the outside by Owen, allowing Owen to also lock his brother in a Sharpshooter Maneuver. All seems lost, when YOKOZUNA RETURNS and comes down to the ring to battle with The Giant once and for all. They both battle up the ramp, thus taking care of a big distraction problem. This leads to a series of events amongst the 3 men in the ring, but with the ref going down when Bret Finally gets his opportunity…Shawn Michaels takes advantage of the moment to hit a Sweet Chin Music on Bret to become the first ever Triple Crown Champion of Thrillzone. He doesn’t have long to celebrate however. You better watch who you turn your back on, cause you never know what powers they truly hold…in this case, Scott Hall has the “Pick your Shot #1 Contender Contract” which he chooses to invoke now. After some slight back and forth, a Razor’s Edge puts down Shawn Michaels, inspiring a happy ending as Scott Hall gets his revenge, and THE FWF CHAMPIONSHIP!

PPV REVIEW: WCW Uncensored 1998 ~ Retro Pro Wrestling Reviews

Thoughts: As far as Endings Go, This was a Great one. It was the perfect way to cap off the night by giving a superstar a crowning acheivement but then swerving it to where you send the fans home happy. I feel like a Genius because I totally called the Scott Hall spot, but like I said earlier. Predictability, when executed Right…Is still Great. And Brian Did a really good job with this one.


Guns N Roses Opening Concert

Guns N Roses opens up Major fest by playing Turmoil’s theme song to open up the biggest show of the year in an impactful and Star Studded Way!

10 places Guns N' Roses went all rock 'n' roll on Chicago - Chicago Tribune

Thoughts: These are the moments where broski really shone. You don’t have to agree with his “Storytelling” or Matches or any of that. But the dude knows how to make an event feel special, and that’s what Majorfest starts and ends with…Pure Spectacle and Pure Entertainment. I like this additon.

Taz vs Ken Shamrock in a Hardcore Lions Den Match for the Hardcore Championship.

The “ready to fight anyone” superstar, Taz hopes to beat down and grab the championship from the clutches of Ken Shamrock and his new heelish Attitude. He’ll have to do it in Shamrocks domain though, as they step into the Octagon in a very Extreme way! The Combination of Weapons, Cage, and Pure Animosity and Grit leaves both men sweaty…Bloody…and absolute determined to turn each other into a pile of bologna with the pace each of them are trying to keep. Taz, the grizzled Brooklyn Brawler can’t seem to keep anything going though, as the new Personality shows a willingness to low blow, use underhanded tactics and do whatever he can to claim victory. This is exemplified mainly when he goes for groin kicks while locked in a tazz-mission. After using this to get the upperhand, he attacks an already tender ankle by stomping on it with a Steel Chair, uses that Chair to also wear down Tazz by striking him with it, but goes one step too far as he climbs the Octagon Cage. Using a Fire Extinguisher and utilzing his Pokemon Go skills by landing a sick Chair throw, he sets himself up perfectly to shoot towards the win. A Taz-Plex from the top of the Cage, combined with a Taz-mission….Ken Shamrock has no choice but to Taz, with the Dominant Taz finally winning the Big One in definitive Fashion. 

10 Real Life Events That Forced WWE Title Changes – Page 4

Thoughts: Being as Straight forward as Possible, This match was about as good as it was going to get. I don’t mean to say that in a jerkish way either, but two superstars whose main form of offense is holding the same submission over and over until they get what they want isn’t exactly entertaining. But I do think Broski did a great job of making this match Believeably a bit more than that. It was compelling and as far as I’m concerned was a Good opening match (It was a “Meh” on the Zan scale, but this is the best possible place to put those). Plus it was kinda nice to see Taz finally get his due after coming so close, so many times.

Shane McMahon Promo

Commissioner Shane McMahon delivers a backstage promo in front of an Ambulance, talking about how he is focused on a Definitive winner of the FWF Championship and The “Ultimate Dream match” between Sting and Undertaker because collusion or not, a winner is needed for both. He also tells RVD that he intends on doing everything in his power to defeat him, and that one of them will be leaving in an Ambulance. 

Mark on Twitter: "Current sweat Level: Normal: ❌ Hot: ❌ Boiling: ❌  Unbearable: ❌ Shane McMahon: ✅ #hottestdayoftheyear… "

Thoughts: I appreciate that Broski actually took the time to do backstage segments. That being said, My initial thought here was “My God, this is Smackdown from a few years back. There’s just so much Shane McMahon in this show”

Re-emerging Diesel and 1-2-3 Kid vs Goldberg and DDP 

After losing the Trademark Match on the Go Home Show, Kevin Nash and X-Pac can no longer claim “The Wolf Pack” Moniker. But they take it even a step further, shedding all of their NWO roots completely as Kevin Nash reverts back into Diesel and X-Pac shaves and everything to become the 1-2-3 Kid Once again. NWO thought they stole The Wolfpack’s Identity, but alas, they had supplied them with a new energy and the ultimate Motivation all along! With the speed of 1-2-3 Kid and The Power of Big Diesel. A Jack Knife Powerbomb disappoints the NWO and gives a huge victory to the re-emerged duo. 

1-2-3 Kid | Pro wrestling, Wrestling, Wwf

Thoughts: Here we go! This is more like it. Not the most “OH MY GOD” caliber match, but with the excitement from 1-2-3 Kid and Diesel emerging, you didn’t really need that. It made this match feel special and I popped for it. Plain and Simple, the Non-Pack Wolf Pack (Use this name Broski) is Over. Deal with it.

The Fatal 4 Way Tag Team Ladder Match for the Tag Championships: Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio vs Harlem Heat vs  Edge & Christian vs D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry. 

A high caliber match in which all 4 of these teams have been in and out of each others’ business. Some have lost against one another and each one of them has their own unique style. With Tag Team of the Year, D-Lo Brown and Mark Henry seemingly having defended against everyone…it’s hard press to find someone who could possibly defeat them. But they put it on the line against 3 very qualified tag teams. Who’s cinderella story will strike before Midnight? Or perhaps, D-Lo and Mark Henry are promising no fairy tail endings. This TLC has everything you could want, “It is the very definition of a WORK RATE MATCH” as broski put it. A few of the Highlight spots are as followed. 1, Billy Kidman hits a shooting star press off a 20 foot ladder through a Table on Mark Henry. 2, A Spear from Edge to Rey Mysterio from the Top of a Ladder. 3,  Booker T Betrays Stevie Ray for D-Lo and Mark Henry. 4,  Gangrel Delivers a Bloodbath to Booker T and Pushes the Ladder Containing D-Lo and Mark Henry over sending them through 4 tables on the outside. 5, Gangrel Betrays Edge and Christian and Helps Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio grab titles as they become the new Tag Team Champions. A fire Pit lights up around them revealing them to be THE NEW BROOD. 

WWE Gimmicks: 100 Vintage Foreign Objects Carried Ringside | Bleacher  Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
*Laughs in Vampire*

Thoughts: 1, I still feel Like I’m missing something with the Whole Booker T and Stevie Ray situation. That feels like it came out of nowhere last week. Idk if It was necessary, But I’d be lying to say I’m not curious to see what Broski has up his sleeve. The match itself reminds me of the old TLC matches between the Hardys, E&C, and The Dudleys so that’s a good sign. The Main conversation point for me though, is the Betrayal of Gangrel towards Edge and Christian. I think it’s great. It elevates the Underdog team of Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio and allows them to be made more interesting (Since Hardcore Holly got traded to Thrillzone) and now allows Edge and Christian to go to that next level much like they did when they left the brood in real life. Story Telling.

The Dumpster Match: Scott Steiner vs Jeff Jarrett for the Interstate Championship 

Jeff Jarrett has played the crafty villain this whole time, as “Chosen One” means, “To Act as a Thorn in the side of Scott Steiner”. That continues to be the case in this match, as he goes for Guitar Shots, only to have them reversed by Steiner. But the great equalizer, known as Debra, acts as a major distraction during the duration of this match, even landing a crucial low blow as it seem Jarrett is about to get thrown in the dumpster. Through this, Jarrett is able to take full advantage. After a bit of back and forth, Jeff feels he is ready to toss Scott Steiner in, but when he lifts the lid of the Dumpster…..SCOTT STEINER’S TIGER JUMPS OUT AND ATTACKS JEFF JARRETT!  After this, an attack with a trash can and a Signature Move or two is enough for Steiner to throw Jarrett into the Dumpster and begin his second reign as Interstate Champion! 

Remembering The Time Scott Steiner Walked A Tiger To The Ring — Mind Games  - An Exploration of Wrestling and Culture

Thoughts: Broski’s version of Jeff Jarrett has matches that All sound the same. But for 2 reasons, I accept this match as a Major Fest moment. 1, Scott Steiner physically threw another grown man in the trash. 2, A Tiger freaking attacked Jeff Jarrett.

Sting Backstage Promo

Backstage the image we see is Sting with the BSK backing him up. He begins to speak on how his relationship with Undertaker has unfolded in front of all of the Turmoil Terminators. At first, Sting pushed to see the Good in undertaker…but after seeing evil deed after evil deed..He has to put a stop to him. He let his Brother Kane Burn at a Young Age. He murdered Doctor Death. He even let his friend Sting burn alive right in front of him. And the reason he burned Paul bearer alive, was because he recognized that it was one of the only things left that Undertaker cared about and he wanted to destroy it. So tonight, he will once and for all destroy the evil Entity known as “The Undertaker”

Sting Interview [2000-11-13] - YouTube

Thoughts: A Nice reminder of the History between these two. A Nice look at this sinister Higher Power persona Sting has taken on. And a nice answer to why they burned Paul Bearer alive. Necessary Segment that only adds to the event.

Shane McMahon vs Rob Van Dam (Falls Count Anywhere Match)

What started as a wellness policy failure would eventually result in one of the most bad blooded encounters amongst co-workers that we’ve seen so far. So much so that it results in two men who want nothing more, than to put each other in the hospital. With the reputation these guys have and there literally being no rules, anything can happen in this match. Here are a few highlights. 1, Shane McMahon does his signature elbow drop from the turnbuckle onto RVD through the Announce table (RVD Kicks out). 2, Shane McMahon hits a Coast to Coast after reversing RVD’s attempt at one (RVD kicks out again). 3, While Shane is recovering on the apron, RVD delivers a monkey flip off the apron and onto the Ramp. (Shane Kicks out.) 4, RVD hits a Van Terminator on the top of the Tron which sends Shane McMahon flying off onto the Ambulance Parked Below. Upon doing this, RVD Delivers a Sky High Five Star Frog Splash on top of him, sending them both through the ambulance. The Ref Counts the Pin as RVD wins this extreme grudge match. 

Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy - YouTube

Thoughts: I think this is one of the Matches that is meant to steal the Show. Just a nonstop barrage of violence and physical storytelling between two men that Just hate each other. A classic Shane McMahon match that shows him doing what he does best, and giving a necessary nod to a wonderfully built Rob Van Dam (The way he built up that suspension all the way to now was genius.) And the Frog Splash through the Ambulance Roof is a clip that would be played for years upon years to come.

Scott Steiner and Debra Promo. 

Scott Steiner is backstage celebrating his victory, when all of a sudden he is interrupted by Debra. She congratulates him on his win, and through many innuendos that reference his Big Cat (Meow). The two seemingly make plans to copulate. 

Debra Scott Steiner | Ring the Damn Bell
This is exactly what you think it is.

Thoughts: Scott Steiner is great.

The New Age Outlaws vs The Degenerate Horsemen

The animosity has been brewing between these two factions ever since Triple H decided to betray Billy Gunn, declaring him a Weak Link of Degeneration X. With the Dirtiest Player in the Game on Triple H’s side now, and Road Dogg coming over from Thrillzone to join his compadre, all of the limits of this rivalry have been reached. Sledgehammer beatings, Phone Booth Battery, and Injuries all alike have been chalked up due to the animosity stirred up between these two factions. But now they have a chance to settle it once and for all, and the Grandest stage of them all #Poetry. The Match is back and forth and can seemingly go on forever, but unfortunately only one of these teams can win. But things start to take a turn for the worst as Charles Robinson (Aligned with DH) “clocks” the other ref and takes his position, clearly pushing things in favor of the Degenerate Horsemen. This leads to a low blow by Triple H that leads to the most Crucial part of the match. Triple H demands the Sledgehammer from Chyna so that he can beat down Billy Gunn. When she hesitates, his emotions get the best of him and he calls her a “B**ch”. This leads her to hit the low blow on Triple H that sets off a chain of moves that allows the New Age Outlaws to pick up a Victory over their Rival Faction. After the match, Chyna can’t contain herself any longer and with an “OH BILLY!” they begin to make out, with their iffy relationship finally happening. 

Thoughts: I did enjoy this story telling. Chyna has been hinting at the turn for a while now, and so to finally see it happen and the Good Guys win….Just a wonderful Major Fest caliber moment even if the match ended up being “Fine”.

Hogan confronts his NWO Members. 

Backstage, Hogan finds DDP and Goldberg in the Locker Rooms and explains that they disappointed him. So much so, that he doesn’t want to even see them ring side. So it looks as though it will be Hogan vs Austin straight up tonight. 

NWO Backstage arrives to WCW monday nitro - YouTube

Thoughts: I think I appreciate this segment more as I know what happens later in the night. Still, a glimpse of The Fan Voted “Super Star of the Year” is never a bad thing.

“The Ultimate Dream Match” Sting vs The Undertaker. 

We all know about the build to this one as it has been around since the very first episode of Turmoil. Mysterious interactions, followed by Friendship, tragedy and eventually…Betrayal. This blood match goes beyond the normal realm as souls and personal lives have been effected in a seemingly irreversible Way. Undertaker looks to get even, while Sting’s objective? To merely end the Undertaker altogether. So as expected in this battle of mythical beings, plenty of Spooks and Powers will be demonstrated on this showcase. An back and forth battle in which can surely be felt all across the world, we have no way of knowing immediately which of these immortals will come out on top. As expected you have high octane movesets hitting on all cylinders. Scorpion Death Drops, Tombstones, and even an appearance from Sting’s acclaimed bat. But towards the end, it seemed like a battle of the Tombstone Piledrivers and Undertaker wins by adding a Jump to his, dealing a maximum amount of damage right on the neck to secure an end to this rivalry once and for all. But the craziness doesn’t end there as The BSK jumps Undertaker after the match and threatens to burn him alive, only for Undertaker to be saved by….THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR! We get a great ending to the story as not only does Ultimate Warrior Return but a Burned alive Paul Bearer is brought out, and then revitalizes right in front of our very eyes…as though the dark power of Undertaker somehow healed him, giving us a beautiful twist to this crazy story. 

WWE Ultimate Warrior Toy Review ( WWF Series 4 ) - YouTube
The Mystery Behind The Undertaker's Famous Urn - EssentiallySports

Thoughts: I feel both Brian and Matt Failed to make their “Dream Matches” feel like a dream Match. But What I will say is that The Ultimate Warrior return was a wonderful surprise, and The Paul Bearer literally reforming would have been quite the sight to see. So even if it wasn’t “Dreamy” in the way I would have hoped, this is definitely more than an amazing Segment for mulitple reasons.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Hollywood Hogan for the FWF Championship

Since the very first segment of the very first Turmoil. These two strong superstars…these two strong personalities have been on the Ultimate Collison Course. They finally come to head in the Ultimate Match for the Grandest Prize on the Biggest Stage Yet. A Match so big and so built up that President Matt Cardona himself attends and partakes as the Guest Ring Announcer for this occasion. Neither man can seem to find an edge as even their finishers don’t seem to be enough as they not only kick out, but Hogan Hulks up after a Stunner. Through some chains of events, The Ref Gets knocked out so when Stone Cold Hits another Stunner…No one is there to count it. Shane McMahon runs down and counts a 2, but proceeds to flip off Hogan. Shane Reveals he is apart of NWO as he joins Hogan in a Stone Cold beatdown. This is eventually interrupted by Vince McMahon of all people who reveals that he is actually teaming with Austin. This leads to Austin Hitting the Stunner and becoming the New FWF Champion. After Stone Cold hits the Stunner on Vince (Because of Course he does), The NWO comes down to the ring and absolutely mauls Stone Cold. Hogan (who went to the back while Stone Cold celebrated) comes down to the ring, now apparently wearing Red and Yellow attire with a Red and Yellow Motorcycle to save the day. Hogan and Austin Stand tall and are posing…but of Course Stone Cold Stunners him again. Stone Cold is interrupted by Chris Jericho who says “TURMOIL IS JERICHO” to close out the show. 

What-if" Anthologies: 21. Ultimate Warrior joins WCW 1992 |  Wrestlingfigs.com WWE Figure Forums

Thoughts: This main event could honestly go down as my WTF moment of the year (Still undecided). But I was just sitting there at a loss for words hearing “BUT WHAT’S THIS?” over and over again. Not necessarily in a bad way, But I was definitely like “WTF?” lol. I think you could have completely cut out the Shane, Vince, and Hogan part of the segment…let Stone Cold beat Hogan Straight up (Saved all of that for a different time since Shane coming out after being destroyed by RVD makes no sense:: Don’t fight it broski) But after Stone Cold beats Hogan, you could have just had Jericho come out. This is an example of possibly doing too much, but int terms of having an entertaining segment? This accomplished that. Jericho was a nice surprise and wrapped the mystery of who he had to give up Hardcore Holly for….”kick to the gut…STUNNER” on Hogan was just such an “Of course he did” moment that I busted out laughing at work…and Idk. I enjoyed it, even though I disagreed with a big percentage of it. So well done? Lol.

Final Thoughts and My Personal Winner for Major Fest:

At first this was difficult for me, because I enjoyed both cards in their own ways. At first I was pulling for Thrillzone because it put up my Match of the Night (Ahmed Johnson vs Mike Awesome) and even a contender right behind that (Goldust/Luna vs Rodman/Marlena). But the more I thought about it, and the more I watched…as special of a Match card as Brian Put up, it just didn’t capture that Major Fest feel for me. It felt like a PPV, don’t get me wrong…but It felt like “Another” PPV if that makes sense. Maybe it was because a bunch of the Storylines happened last minute (And I get why that might be, don’t get me wrong). But for a “Grand Daddy Show” there just wasn’t That long awaited payoff (Maybe 3 matches off the top of my head).

On the other hand, Broski Brought backstage segments….a live band….and multiple storylines who have been developing for months…let alone the entire duration of Season 1. Every match, regardless of whether it was a flop or not, had some kind of moment that redeemed it. It felt special apart from every other card he has done in a Massive, next level entertainment value way.

I would Argue that Brian had more “Better” matches throughout his card, but when it comes to the biggest stage…sometimes that’s not enough. You need the memorable moments, the spectacles, the payoff…and Broski just had it all. It feels wrong not to award him…The winner of Major Fest.

Not the final score, we still have the awards but….

Turmoil 19 to Thrillzone 13

Published by The Zanman

Owner of "The Zanman Podcast". It is a podcast you can find on any Major Platform; Including the likes of Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and pretty much any app or service that you find yourself listening to podcasts on (Though, no patreon yet) This Blog is pretty much here to document my nerdism and help promote my Podcast or express things that can't properly be expressed in audio format. Another way to interract with the community I desire to create.

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