Rulers of the Ring and Holiday Hell PPVs (Review and Analysis)

In light of a series of PPV shows that are ultimately surrounded in the controversy of the “Kane Gate,” we have what is revealed to be two very great, well put together shows that not only entertain but point a huge finger towards the grand-daddy of them all…Major Fest. They reveal a tease of that Big match card that adds just a bit excitement to the nights of both PPVs. The question on our mind is who did a little bit of everything better, in spite of a lot of mis-stepping surrounding the character known as “Kane”?

For the Record, I will not use the “cheating” or “mistakes” of either side on this issue against their shows as a whole, so no worry need to be made in that regard. It’s not even going to be about “which show sets up Major Fest Better” though that will in fact play a factor. We are going strictly based on the fact, “Which of these two PPVs was better?” And after much back and forth of possibly the closest pairing of PPVs yet, I think I’ve come upon an answer that gives us just that answer.

I will say that the Match descriptions will be a bit…”lighter” than normal as I have an extremely busy schedule as we bring in 2021, still I did my best to capture the brilliance and highlight of each match and hopefully did each match justice in it’s own way in the fairest way possible.

But enough dilly-dally…let’s review some PPVs.


Match 1: Mike Awesome vs Brian Pillman vs Raven vs Scott Hall vs Dennis Rodman w/ Marlena vs Goldust (Interstate Championship Number 1 Contender Scramble)

Ultimately its a nice match with everyone getting their spots in but the main focus of the match is easily Dennis Rodman and his feud with Goldust. This allows Mike Awesome to take advantage of their quarrel as not only does Goldust’s Ex-Wife Marlena get involved, but a debuting Luna Vachon interferes. This allows Mike Awesome to not hit just 1, but 3 powerbombs on Rodman allowing him to secure the victory and punch his ticket to Major Fest to take on the winner of the Interstate Championship match coming up later on the show. 

PPV REVIEW: WCW Spring Stampede 2000 ~ Retro Pro Wrestling Reviews

The segment isn’t over however, as Raven stays in the ring and essentially holds the show hostage. He has a chair and is fighting off anyone who dares try and remove him from the ring until Roddy Piper makes his way down to the ring and confiscates the chair from him. He  humiliates Raven, scolding him like a little kid. Raven kicks him in the gut and delivers an Evenflow DDT.

Luna Vachon | WWE

Thoughts: If I’m being 100 % honest, I’ve made it no secret that I’ve thought Brian was going to book Shawn Michaels vs Scott Hall for the Interstate Championship the moment this Scramble match got announced. So this night of booking threw me through a slight loop as it Swerved me personally in more ways than one (More on that in a Minute). I also love the subtle hints we’ve been getting for a while now that something was going to explode between Raven and Piper, and finally…we get just that. It made me pop, not just because I was right….but because now there is a very real possibility that Roddy is going to step outside of his Managerial Role and do combat at the Biggest Show of the Season….Major Fest. I liked this Segment for both of those reasons, not to mention that there is so much that could be done with the Rodman, Goldust, Marlena and now “Vachon” induced angle. Not only do we have a lot of pay off this show, we have a very good look at what to expect at Major Fest, guaranteed a few Curveballs along the way, and I definitely appreciate that aspect as well.

Match 2: Bret Hart vs Shane Douglas (W/ Triple Threat Ringside)

Bret Hart and Shane Douglas have the match you would expect them too, with Triple Threat oddly enough not getting as involved as you would think they would with a match of this Caliber on the Line. Ultimately though, Shane ends up being locked in the Sharpshooter, and after fighting for a long time…finally has no choice but to tap out. Bret Hart celebrates as the crowd can’t get enough, but on the other side of things….trouble is brewing. Candido and Bam Bam look to cheer up their man and pick him up after a hard fought victory. Shane Slaps Candido and Bam Bam, and after an accidental Punch from Bam Bam to Candido (he was going for Shane)…The 3 of them End their night with a Brawl amongst this crumbling alliance.

Relive Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels' heated rivalry: photos | WWE

Thoughts: My first thoughts are “Dang, so much for the Big Shane Douglas Push.” All i can think about are the words that Brian said when he drafted Shane in the very first episode of FWF.  “I’m gonna give this man the push that he was always destined for”. Feuding with the Triple Threat is that Push? It definitely hasn’t been a bad run for Shane and the Triple Threat, and I get things change when you’re booking for a very weird audience such as the FWF fans (sorry guys lol), But this wasn’t quite What I was expecting. Still, I’m sure Shane vs Bret on a PPV would give you your moneys worth, so In my eyes the Segment is a success…but if it comes down to it, there just wasn’t enough of a pay off in this match to personally keep me intrigued to overall help the PPV when being paired against Holiday Hell.

Match 3: The Boogie Knights vs The Dudley Boys for the FWF Tag Championships

The Veteran Dudley Boyz seem to have all of their chips in as they very clearly have the advantage in this match up. But much to the dismay of the Tag Champions, The Boogie Knights defeat the Dudley Boyz with that NeckBreaker/450 Splash Combo after capitalizing on the very few mistakes the Dudleys made in the match to become the New Tag Team Champions. They don’t have long to celebrate though as The Legion of Doom attack them from behind, with the Dudleys of course Joining in. So much for the Inauguration of New Tag Champs….

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Thoughts: I understand the Booking decision because The Boogie Knights, whether you agree or not they are over. I’ve seen speculation of “It’s only over because Brian is putting it over himself” that they are just taking it as “being over” because of Brian himself being excited about it. But due to the response from the Fans, they are one of the top acts in FWF right now…so it definitely makes sense. I’m just a little salty that Brian didn’t play the Dudley’s theme song once, and it never really felt like they were tag champs…even with the prestige of “Dudleys vs LOD” under their belt. I don’t think their status complimented the kind of story he was trying to tell with the Boogie Knights “upsetting” The Dudleys. It just felt like the Obvious answer was made, and yet it was still exciting in its own way. My only question now is…. Is there a Possibility for a Triple Threat Tag Match at Major Fest? Will it Involve….say….Tables, Ladders and Chairs? Oh my.

Match 4: Cactus Jack vs New Jack vs Justin Hawk Bradshaw for the FWF Hardcore Championship.

An “Attitude Era Style Hardcore Match” between 3 truly Hardcore Individuals. They are all brawling and at some point Cactus Jack gets thrown in a Huge dumpster by New Jack, and with that being paired with throwing some powder in the eyes of Bradshaw, it looks like New Jack is fully taking advantage. However, Mankind emerges from the Dumpster (No Longer a Cactus named Jack) and this distracts New Jack long enough for Bradshaw to take full advantage, and retain his Hardcore Championship.

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Thoughts: I think the tone of Brian kinda effected this match for me, because he kinda sounded bored. Like Mankind emerging was a cool moment, and since we’ve already seen the two faces of Foley…it only makes sense that we get the Third, so it’s definitely a moment that pushes us towards Major Fest on a High note. But other than that, this match just kinda felt like it was there due to the “Kinda Just get through it” nature that Brian felt like he had. This may not seem like a big deal, because there are a lot of advocates out there that allow the “Match to speak for itself” and I get that. But Presentation does play a huge factor in an Audio Based Wrestling Show, and in this regard….I feel Brian failed to present it in a manner that truly brought it to the potential that it could have had.

Match 5: Ahmed Johnson vs Shawn Michaels for the Interstate Championship

A Back and Forth Match in which the Veteran Michaels is just technically out performing Ahmed, but Ahmed’s Strength is enough to be an Equalizer. Like many of Johnson’s matches, it’s a Big Powerhouse verse a smaller technical fella…and when Ahmed Johnson hits the Pearl River Plunge, i was fully expecting to hear “Kick Out” in typical Brian Fashion. Instead we hear that Ahmed Johnson is our Interstate Champion now, and he will be taking on Mike Awesome at Major Fest.

The Rise And Fall Of Ahmed Johnson – Wrestling Recaps

Thoughts: I think what we are seeing here is that not only can Turmoil reuse Thrillzone guys for the better, but Thrillzone can bring back former employees and take them to that next level as well! I have absolutely loved this Ahmed Johnson run and the fact that he won was the other event (Along with Scott Hall not winning the opening match) that just threw me through the loop. The possibility of having Shawn Michaels vs Scott Hall is still there, and so I’ll continue to predict that match….but now we also have Mike Awesome vs Ahmed Johnson. Even though I never thought it would happen…It is 100% the right call.

Match 6: Vampiro and “Sleeved Kane” vs The Rock and Randy Savage

Much to the dismay of the two (in many people’s eyes) superior superstars, Vampiro and “Sleeved” Kane and their tag team prowess and familiarity (seemingly) have gotten them the advantage to this point. But, even before he is medically cleared…One week too early…Kane returns and distracts the two of them long enough for Rock to hit his Rock Bottom, and Macho Man to capitalize with his flying elbow…allowing this MegaStar Tag Team to win the match.

WWE Kane Best Entrances COMPLETE! | 1999 - YouTube

Thoughts: Depending on the ramifications of the decided punishment for Breaking the rules, I feel a lot of this match was overshadowed by the fact that Brian brought Kane back too early. Because 1, Kane vs Fake Kane at Major Fest is a real possibility and even though it has been done before in real life, a Major Fest reveal of who it is could be very interesting. 2, Does this mean Rock and Savage are going to go for the titles? Or? So even though this match is surrounded in controversy, I don’t feel we can overlook how this potentially sets up Major Fest. 

Match 7: Owen Hart vs Yokozuna for the FWF Championship.

Owen Hart is giving it a valiant effort, but the determination and “Hart” of Yokozuna is propelling him to officially get the better of the champ. With the fans fully behind this “Uso-Like” Big man, it doesn’t feel like anything can prevent the inevitable scene of Yokozuna finally winning the FWF Championship…that is until The Giant rips through the ring. We think he’s going to get revenge on Owen, but shockingly he chokeslams Yokozuna allowing Owen Hart to secure his Title retaining effort.

Owen Hart - The King of Ribs | 6 Stories of Heart and Humor

Thoughts: As someone who wasn’t as into this match as I probably should have. This “The Giant” Swerve has me intrigued of what happens next. Although it didn’t really feel like a main event caliber affair, it has me just a tad bit more invested into the Thrillzone FWF Championship heading towards Major Fest. And That’s really all I have to say about it.


Match 1: 6 Man Tag Match Hardcore Holly, Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio vs Edge, Christian and Gangrel (The Brood)

A back and forth affair with The Honorable Faces playing their game trying to make their match “NOT SUCK” and The Brood playing their heel role trying to put a damper on this heart warming hilarious friendship. But Rey Mysterio finally connects with the Westcoast Pop to secure a victory over the Brood.

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Bam Bam Bigelow WCW Monday Nitro 1999 - YouTube

Thoughts: I popped Hard for this.  It’s no secret that There’s been a “Can he hit the Westcoast Pop” type thing on my articles. It probably wasn’t, but I feel that he made that finish just for me with the amount of grief I’ve inserted over it. But I’m really enjoying the whole Hardcore Holly friendship dynamic and I can’t wait to see where it goes next. Even though I like seeing Edge and Christian win, It’s refreshing to see them in this new angle as opposed to chasing around Undertaker in a Scooby Doo-esq fashion. I loved this segment altogether.

Match 2: Taz vs Jeff Jarrett w/ Debra for the Interstate Championship

All hope seems lost for the champ as he is locked heavily in a Taz-mission submission hold, but thanks to a distraction from Jeff Jarrett himself as he grabs the ref, this sets Debra to hit a low blow. Jarrett follows up with another low blow of his own as the Ref recovers. One Stroke finisher maneuver later, our Interstate Champion retains.

Jeff Jarrett and Debra | Jeff jarrett, Wrestling superstars, Pro wrestling

Thoughts: A very minor problem I have with this angle is we have all champs that win via sketchy measures (Barring D-Lo and Mark Henry since their results are split at times). But I do feel it’s what it needed to be. The finish helps Taz continue to seem strong (as it took two Crotch shots to put the Suplex machine down), and keeps Jeff Jarrett in that role where you want to see him get beat, but somehow he slips away.

Match 3: The NWO vs Stone Cold (If Stone Cold Loses, he doesn’t get his FWF Championship Shot)

Through much hecticness in the ring, a miscommunication between NWO teammates allows Stone Cold to hit a Stunner on X-Pac, to secure the pinfal, the victory and his title match at Major Fest. There seems to be some trouble amongst the faction though as we see a push match between Kevin Nash and Goldberg break out on the Ramp.

Stone Cold Steve Austin - Wikipedia

Thoughts: I didn’t know how I’d feel about this segment going into the PPV. I just had no interest in seeing a result (that we already knew what it was going to be) play out. But just imagining the reaction of the crowd of how it would go when Stone Cold pulled it out. And it develops a possible story in it’s own right. Is Goldbergs reign as an NWO member coming to an end? Much like the Main event of Rulers of the Ring, Broski here was able to make me care about a segment I didn’t care about. 

Match 4: Road Dogg vs Triple H

Road Dogg is making his way down to the ring, but before he can even get there…Ric Flair attacks him with a Sledge Hammer from behind in retaliation for the David Flair attack actions from last week. Triple H initially comes out to help break up the savage attack that Ric Flair  was dishing out, but seeing opportunity…he smiles and hits a Pedigree for Good Measure on the Ramp. The match obviously results in a no contest. 

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Thoughts: This is going to sound like a complete “dick move”, but I think this match actually benefitted from not happening, at least not right away. I’m far more invested in the Ric Flair affairs (maybe because it’s the fresher of the two things). I feel we just had that Grudge match between Billy Gunn and Triple H…even if it was a few PPVs ago now. Plus the line that broski dropped, “If Only he had someone to back him up”…gets me excited for that *ahem* return…that we all know is coming. And that’s far more exciting than Triple H just beating him outright in a match. I dig this 100%

Match 5: Hardcore Ladder Match for Hardcore Titles: RVD vs Sabuuuuuuuuuuu

A back and forth match. There are Ladder matches, and then there is a Hardcore ladder match and this is exactly what this match appears to be. Sabu eventually has RVD Down for the count and he is climbing the ladder to secure the Titles. But….Due to Sabu being a complete idiot and going for the Arabian Facecrusher from the top of the ladder, RVD is able to climb to the top and secure the Hardcore Titles and become the Undisputed Hardcore Champion. RVD helps Sabu up, being his friend and all, but then attacks him after the match. Shane McMahon Interrupts them as RVD is about to go for a Vanterminator on Sabu to inflict further damage. RVD Stands down, but when Shane goes to check on Sabu RVD nails him from behind with a Chair from behind. He even hits the VanTerminator anyway which is later revealed to have broken Sabu’s jaw. 

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Thoughts: My first thought is, a Commisioner vs RVD match at Major Fest? Sounds like a deal to me. Because what added to this match for me personally was realizing that there actually was a ton of build up in this short 4 week build up. And remembering Thrillzone also seems to have a Commissioner Battle on the Horizon, that intrigues me even more as both shows are going head to head seemingly trying to outmatch each other in everyway. Now the question is, is Shane going to fight RVD himself? Or is he going to approach this “Battle of the Billionaires” style and select a stand in? Lots of intrigue behind this match.

Match 6: The NWO all hug backstage due to the the boding from Hulk Hogan. into D-Lo Brown and Mark Henry vs The Harlem Heat  for the FWF Tag Championships.

The Harlem Heat seem to be too new of a tag team tandem for the Tag Champs to handle as their technical prowess seems to be outworking them in this WORK RATE MATCH. Eventually Booker T rolls up Mark Henry. Mark kicks out of this Roll Up in true big man fashion which shoots him over to the ropes. Capitalizing on this opportunity, D-Lo hits him with the Tag Title as Booker T flies over to the ropes. This allows them to add harlem Heat to the list of Tag Teams they’ve defeated.

1999/05/02 Heat – Lisa Moretti, the Wrestler

Thoughts: I can appreciate this run that Broski has put D-Lo and Mark Henry on. An unlikely dominant force of the Tag Division, they have more of a “Keep the belts by any means necessary” feel to them as opposed to the sleezy, slimy “sneak away with the victory” approach by Hogan and Jarrett. I think Broski is building up to a huge moment at Major Fest for the tag division (whatever that may mean) and he has even stated that he’s setting up for a potential season 2 as well. And so these things have me curious, but overall I really like the dominating Tag Champs holding onto their titles for so long.

Match 7: Hollywood Hogan vs Scott Steiner for the FWF Championship.

Through the War between Hogan and Steiner, it is one on one as the NWO are back stage for this affair. Through the brawling, The Referee is Down, and Even though Stone Cold is blocking the NWO with a Zamboni… We can’t get through this match without Interference as Jeff Jarrett Smashes Steiner from behind with a Guitar as Hogan is able to retain the title because of this.  It will be Stone Cold vs Hulk Hogan at Major Fest

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Thoughts: You knew we were getting Hogan vs Stone Cold for a while now. That has always been the plan and it honestly has been clear as day. Kudos to broski for making me question whether we would actually get to see that match though as a few times, It felt like maybe Hogan would begin to slip out of the title picture, especially with the rising popularity of steiner. But seemingly with our two title matches set….Hogan vs Stone Cold and Jarrett vs Steiner. I’m walking away from this affair both happy, in spite of collusion yet again, and questioning and curious as we look towards hearing why Jarrett decided to interfere on Hogan’s behalf.

Match 8: Undertaker vs Dr. Death in a Hell In A Cell Match.

An absolute brawl as both men are not only fighting to defeat the other in this match…they are fighting for their careers. So you always knew it would end up on top of the Hell in a Cell cage…and After a Dr. Bomb, Chokeslam, and Tombstone ontop of the cell. Undertaker finally sends Dr. Death through with a Last Ride. Undertaker is able to get the Pin because of this devastating fall, and a Lightening Bolt hits Dr. Death and he disappears… seemingly ending Dr. Death’s FWF career forever. The Higher Power is revealed to be….Kane!? He comes down to the ring ring and  Rips the door off the Hell in a Cell, eventually both Chokeslamming and Tombstoning the Undertaker in the Process. Kane surprises everyone as he reaches up to his face and Takes off the Mask, Revealing that Sting was the Higher power all along.

You Never Say Never"- The Undertaker Opens Up About The Dream Match Against  Sting - EssentiallySports

Thoughts: I feel the reveal of sting lost a lot of momentum after trying to use Kane to get over. Ultimately decided as a Breaking of the Rules, it not only will hinder something in Broski’s future….but hindered what I thought was a perfect set up for a “THE LIGHTS GO OUT” moment. That being said, I thought we had all but lost hope for the Sting vs Undertaker match that had been hinted at a few times throughout this entire FWF run for Turmoil. But the refreshing reveal, though predictable to many by the end, reveals that we are going to get what we want. And as much as I’m disappointed by the execution, I am satisfied with the hopeful result as a Sting vs Undertaker match on the Major Fest card seemings promising enough.

Final Thoughts and Results

I think in an understandable notion, both shows had a heavy focus on pointing a big finger towards Major fest….so much so that in some areas It overshadowed this current PPV. I would say I’m pretty close in terms of how Hype I am for both Turmoil and Thrillzone’s iterations of Major Fest. So the question is, Which show had the best moment’s that make me look at just this current PPV….not Major Fest…and Think…”Wow, that PPV was better!”. To me, Brian had a layup here as I significantly preferred his build leading into this PPV. That being said, those layups offered quite a bit of disappointment…the main example being Shane Douglas vs Bret Hart. Just felt so basic in comparison in what It could be, and there was such a focus on setting up the Triple Threat Problems going into Major Fest to where he missed out capitalizing on how Big this match actually should have been. Both parties are guilty of this…But I feel Broski gave us just a little bit at this moment.

This isn’t going to be the PPV where Stone Cold vs Hogan was officially set in stone…This is going to be the PPV where Undertaker hit the Last ride on Dr. Death, sending him through the top of the cage. This is going to be the PPV where Dr Death’s career ended. This is going to be the PPV where D-Lo and Mark Henry established themselves as the most Dominant Tag Teams in History. This is the PPV where Ric Flair went rogue and beat Road Dogg with a Sledge Hammer. It goes on and on…and it just felt like Brians matches were all like…”Sure this is cool, but wait til Major Fest.” it wasn’t living in the moment. Even a huge match I was insanely hyped for (The 6 man scramble)…while good, felt like it was just busy setting up matches for Major Fest.

Again, I should stress…there is nothing wrong with setting up. And I love that both men did it. But I have to brush aside all of the “What could be’s” and focused on the events that actually happened. Even though he ruined Stings’s Debut a bit, I feel through and Through the night…Holiday Hell gave us more moments that entertained us in the here and now. Holiday Hell had it’s own identity…where as Rulers of the Ring will be the PPV that is an after thought heading into Major Fest. With that ringing through my head….I have to give it to Broski.

And I don’t want it to come off as Broski’s show is head and shoulders above Brian’s. I’m a little bit more hyped up for Thrillzone’s Major Fest, but I can’t just give it to him based on that. This was the closest PPV battle yet….but let it be shown that this is the Holiday Season…OF HELL.

Broski wins this round. Setting the season Score at:

Turmoil: 15 to Thrillzone: 11

Published by The Zanman

Owner of "The Zanman Podcast". It is a podcast you can find on any Major Platform; Including the likes of Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and pretty much any app or service that you find yourself listening to podcasts on (Though, no patreon yet) This Blog is pretty much here to document my nerdism and help promote my Podcast or express things that can't properly be expressed in audio format. Another way to interract with the community I desire to create.

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